Thursday, 10 April 2008

"You've been hit by... a smooth Barry!"

Hey Hey.

Once again I've been a bit slack on the updating front, so rather than just ignore the past week, I'm gonna quickly run through where I have been, who I've seen and what I've been doing - catchy that isn't it!

Don't think I did much last Friday (hell, it's been nearly a week - I can't remember!). Afternoon of conference calls at work, but we did manage to get our Canadian team all they way through the test script we've been working on with them - so that was a success.

Evening was spent at home, chilling out in front of the TV after a long week.

Saturday and Sunday
Saturday and Sunday were spent in Kingston, chilling out with the Kingston Duo and drinking far too much absolut Citron - which is lush with Lemonade. I reckon it would be nice with some raspberry too. Apparently you can make a good Mojito with it too :-)

Part one of the Kingston Duo - Elliot, is a mean cook (as in bloody good!) and made a really nice dessert that we had with dinner on Saturday night. I'll try and rob the recipe and stick it on here sometime ;-)

The night ended with Wii sports, including the first "Wii-related incident" I have seen - a glass being smashed to smithereens by the Wii-mote.

Kingston has some really nice bars and clubs (it's also home to what is arguably the best Oceana in the UK).

I spent most of Monday revising for an exam I had at work on Tuesday. Dorothy (see past blogs regarding work) was in a right mood - I felt like saying to her "I can see that you are not 100% today, can I suggest we reschedule our chat for another time". I couldn't get a word in edge ways though.


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